

It is possible to feel anxious at one time or another. Life has many issues that may make you nervous, and fear is a normal emotion. There are different anxiety disorders, and they can affect your healthy life. While stress can be overwhelming, it is possible to treat it and live a healthy life again. Anxiety may come in different ways like, social anxiety disorder/Social phobia, Panic disorder, PTSD, generalized anxiety disorder and specific phobias.

If you deal with anxiety regularly, there are many ways of managing it. First of all, you can control it yourself by embracing some lifestyle adjustments like exercising, reducing stress and having enough sleep. You might also want to seek professional help where you will get counselling on how to deal with it.

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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

OCD is a mental illness whereby one has repetitive behaviors, compulsive, urges or obsessive thoughts which are beyond control. Symptoms of OCD include having negative thoughts and always biting your nails and can affect your healthy life. Those who suffer from OCD understand that their habits and beliefs don’t make sense but keep on doing the same thing just because they can’t stop. When you have obsessions, you may feel things like having a particular order of cleanliness. You can also have intrusive thoughts about religion, sex, and violence.

For example, you can have a belief that specific colors or numbers are good or bad, being suspicious about a partner and fear of getting dirty among other things. Compulsive thoughts, on the other hand, include counting things like bottles or steps, repetitive checking if you have switched off the light or locked a door, washing hands several times in a row, doing things in a particular order, and fear of touching germs. Causes of OCD haven’t yet been known, but it is a common condition among young adults and teens.

Treating OCD

While there might not be any cure for OCD, it can still be managed through behavioural modification. Visit a doctor who will perform a physical exam and test your blood to ensure that it is not caused by anything else. You can also get counselling about your thoughts, habits, and feelings. If they are making you do what you want to do, you might be suffering from OCD. Your doctor may, therefore, recommend talk therapy known as psychotherapy.


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Panic Disorder

Everyone experiences panic. It's normal to panic in certain situations, and it does not automatically mean that you suffering from a mental disorder if you do. However, if the panic already affects your normal activities and daily life, if it is more than the usual, you might have panic disorder. The best way to find out is to have yourself checked and diagnosed by professionals. If you do have such disorder, don't worry because help is on the way.

Treatment for panic disorder is holistic, like in other mental disorders. The treatment process can involve medical interventions, talk therapy, relaxation exercise, diet and lifestyle changes, or a combination of these. One important factor of the whole treatment process is going to the right place. Make sure that you are being treated and cared for by the best of the best. Luckily, there's Valbuena Wellness Center that you can count on. We have a team of professionals who treat patients with panic disorder holistically.

As a holistic wellness center, we are well positioned to provide you the right combination of treatment protocols to relieve the symptoms of panic disorder and help you overcome its effects and implications on your daily life. Our professionals are skilled, hardworking, experienced and passionate; and we are well equipped with the latest approach and protocols in treating and caring for our patients.

How the Valbuena Wellness Center is Different

Holistic view of your health.

Variety of specialists providers to address your needs.

Personalized approach to care.

Caring and compassionate staff.

Empowering treatments to improve your quality of life.

Collaborative providers keep you active in your care.